Towards your new pension together

Personal guidance for your financial future

Your pension is about to change. With the introduction of a new pension law, everyone will receive a new pension scheme. The effect of this new scheme on you personally will depend on your individual situation. Shell Pension will notify you when we know what this means for you.

The Shell Pension CARE program will guide you step by step towards your new pension, offering personal support from Prikkl. As an independent partner, Prikkl is dedicated to help individuals like you make informed financial decisions.

Whether you want to reduce your working hours, retire early, stop working right away, or continue your career for longer, you can explore your options in a free consultation with Prikkl. Check your eligibility for a personal consultation here. Let Prikkl equip you with the information you need, and together, we can create your plan!

Consultations with Prikkl advisors are free, tailored to your needs, and confidential.

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About Prikkl and Shell Pension CARE

The CARE programme from Shell Pension has been launched to guide you step by step towards your new pension. As part of the CARE program, Prikkl assists individuals like you in understanding the arrangements that have been made for your pension and the choices available to you. Prikkl is a coaching and advisory platform that offers independent financial advice to help you make informed decisions about your pension. At Prikkl, we provide guidance through online personal consultations and other methods. Shell Pension covers the costs for these consultations, so they are free for you.

Do I qualify for a free personal consultation?

Prikkl’s advisors will be available from 1 October 2024 for Shell Pension participants who wish to determine their retirement date this year. Let Prikkl inform you and help you create your plan together!

Whether you are eligible for a personal consultation to discuss your choices currently depends on your age and which scheme you participate in.

  • Did you join Shell before 1 July 2013? Then you are part of the SSPF scheme. If you were born before 1972, you can schedule a consultation.
  • Did you join Shell on or after 1 July 2013? Then you are part of the SNPS scheme. If you were born before 1971, you can schedule a consultation.

Consultations with Prikkl advisors are free, tailored to your needs, and confidential.  

When will the consultations about my new pension start?

We don’t yet know how the changes will affect you personally. Shell Pension will keep you updated. For SNPS participants, the new scheme is expected to start in January 2026, and for SSPF, it will be in January 2027.

Just before the transition, Prikkl will offer personal consultations about your new scheme.

These will begin in 2025 for SNPS and in 2026 for SSPF. If you would like to make use of this opportunity, there’s nothing you need to do right now. You will receive a message from Shell Pension when it’s time to sign up for these consultations.

For the latest news about the new schemes, visit

Want to know which fund you’re in? Click here.


What can you expect from your appointment?

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Then sign up now for a meeting with one of our advisors. Click the button below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Everything you discuss with us is confidential and personal. We have agreed on this and formalised it with Shell Pension and your employer. At Prikkl, you will only receive the overview. Prikkl does not sell anything else, so there’s no need to worry about being tied into anything. We also have important safety guarantees like ISO 27001 and ISAE 3000 Type 1.

That’s a great question. Shell Pension has set aside funds to offer this guidance in its CARE programme. Because they value providing you with good guidance on your path to retirement. Many people find this a difficult subject. With the free guidance, you’ll receive assistance in making informed decisions.

Pretty much anything related to your finances and pension. Such as: When can I stop working? What will I have left? How much do I need? Can I work fewer hours? Or continue working longer? What about taxes?

Understanding what is possible and what isn’t regarding your finances allows you to make informed choices. With the overview and follow-up steps, you can take action to organise things the way you wish. You can also discuss this with your employer.

Thousands of people before you have utilised Prikkl’s free guidance and rate it with an impressive 8.7. Often, they discover that there are more options available than they initially thought.

For example, participants may choose to reduce their working hours to one day less a week through the “Less Work” scheme or opt to retire earlier. Some participants want to save more, spend less, or consult a notary. Occasionally, colleagues take no action because they are confident that everything is in order.

To be completely honest, for some of our participants, there are limited options due to insufficient funds. This is unfortunate, but even then, we can provide further assistance.

Is your question not listed above? Please get in touch.

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